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ALL STAFF that require specialist training are planned into groups for delivery.

Electric Vehicle (EV)

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An interactive practical training session designed to familiarise the trainee of the features and safety considerations when

driving your specific vehicle.


Format is 3 per group for a duration of 1.5 to 2 hours, delivered at your workplace.

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Hybrid Vehicle (HV)

An interactive training session designed to familiarise the trainee of the features and safety considerations when driving your specific vehicle.


Format is 3 per group for a duration of 1.5 to 2 hours, delivered at your workplace.

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Vehicle Familiarisation

A vehicle safety walk through, and discussion about safety features specific to your vehicle.

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Four wheel drive (FWD)

A full day classroom (theory) and practical hands-on training session for trainees with FWD vehicles that are required to drive off road for work.


Format: 8–10 trainees for a full 8 hours, set in a purpose built off road environment.

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Trailer Towing

A practical trailer skills session including reversing, parking, loading and connection points


Format: 3 per group for a duration of 3 hours.

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Community Discussion Groups

It's widely accepted that community groups to discuss an areas risk can dramatically impact safety.


Tailor a course to address your specific area of risk.

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